Business Daily Media

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Seo content writing

Cheap fast quality SEO content writing service

Seo content writing Service

SEO writing service for SEO businesses

Whether you run a small or medium business or are an SEO business operator, Business Daily Media, can provide your article content.

Our writers will charge a flat rate of $50.00 for a 600 word content marketing article containing one or two links to a website.

There is no need to hunt around on elance or odesk for writers or get quotes on Freelancer.

The staff at, or or will research, write and send back SEO articles within 24 hours if needed. No article is more than $50.00

Contact us at or

English fluent reporters and writers
Confidentiality respected.

Ready to use content in 24 hours.

We will not brand our content or contact SEO business customers as we work for the SEO business and maintain strong relationships in the industry,

Our writers do not put together gibberish simply to place a link.

It is important that every SEO article that we write has unique relevant content that Google will treat seriously. We will write about the topic with some new points made in the text where possible.